Military Fitness Training Books

Military Fitness Training eBooks - $4.99 (Instant Download*)
This selection of ebooks shows you the tried and true training, nutrition and supplement secrets used by various armed forces, to keep their soliders in top physical condition. These ebooks can help you achieve your fitness goals - whether they be to lose weight, increase strength and muscle mass or build up your endurance.

Navy Seal Workout

This downloadable package (*Please contact us first if you have problems downloading the ebooks) includes the following Military Fitness training guides:

Army Fitness Manual - Designed for the Canadian Army, this comprehensive guide covers all aspects of fitness training.

US Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat - This military manual delves into all the training details that create US Marines.

US Navy - Peak Performance through Nutrition and Exercise - A US Navy research paper with indepth information and recomendations on exercise and nutrition.

US Marine Corps Daily 16 program - The fitness program including warm ups, stretching, exercises for both cardiovascular health and muscle building and cool down.

US Navy Seals Category I and II Workouts - Try your hand at the gruelling workouts of the US Navy SEALs.

Buy this set of fitness ebooks now for just $4.99 and get into great physical shape! Perfect for both men and women.

All sales are final, there are no returns or refunds. *Please contact us first if you have problems downloading the ebooks.